Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Favorite Shirt Redo

So I already did this project, but a certain foster puppy decided to eat my first hoodie. Thank god she didn't eat any of the important parts. The designs are taken from one of my favorite shirts by Custo Barcelona. Unfortunately, the shirt has outlived its wearability, but I just couldn't send it on its way. I found this shirt on my first trip to Seattle to visit my aunt and family. It was the only one and it was on sale! I am a Scorpio and I love them and I couldn't pass it up.

So the first time I did this project, my mom bought me a hoodie for my birthday and I cut all the patterned parts of the shirt and hand embroidered it onto the hoodie. Then a few days later I came home to see that Pepper Penny had jumped up and pulled it off our dresser (she also scratched the dresser!) I cried, I yelled and then I looked and saw none of the design was really damaged. Then I thought about all the time I put into it and cried again!

The search was on for a new hoodie. I walked in Marshall's one day and saw this fantastic sweatshirt! Great buttons at the neck (you can't see them in the photo, but they are way cool), and nice, wide hood and just in general a stylin looking sweatshirt by Miss Sixty. Then I saw the size, XS! I'm not an extra small!!!! But I tried it on any way... and it really wasn't that bad, a little tight in the arms so I added the gray stripe from cuff to waist. I liked it even more.
Then once again, I embroidered all the pieces onto the hoodie. There are some flowers sewn onto the hood, collar and arm. Then of course the fabulous scorpians. Now I can't wait to wear it!