Friday, December 11, 2009

Magazine Baskets

Align LeftSo my grandma saw a basket I made for my dad's girlfriend last year and decided she wanted to give some for gifts. It started with "Can you make me 4?" and I said sure no problem. They aren't that hard to make. Then a little bit later she asked if I could make 2 more. Ok sure, though by now I am bored with making them. So I finished those yesterday and then I call her and say that my husband and I will make it up there so she will have them before Christmas. I also had to drop off my Christmas present from her and one for my husband so she is able to wrap them. (I help her with her shopping so I always make sure I get what I want. :) ) So during the call she asks if I can make one more!!!!!! I of course, say yes and then get my butt in gear to work on the last one. Not only do I have to be able to get it done but they also have to be sealed which takes a couple of hours with each coat and I have to do inside and out. So, finally, today at about 4 pm I finished the last basket and started coating it.
So here are the last three. I think I may be done making these for now. 7 is definitely enough.

Now I can get to work on my other presents and of course yesterday I came up with a few more that I have to get done. Hopefully, I will be able to get everything done before Christmas.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Pillow

I had a great weekend this weekend, but no project work. :( But I did go to a craft show, Crafty Balboa, in Philly on Saturday with my friend. We had a good time and got our goodie bags since we were the first in line! You never know, with traffic, how long it is going to take you, so I was there almost an hour early! Oh well, good time to catch up with my friend. Picked up a few fun things and some great ideas for more projects, including a mobile made of stuffed birds. So excited and when I looked for a bird pattern, I found the exact pattern. But, of course, that project will have to wait until after Christmas! Then I went to another friend's house for girls' night. We all had a great time and then went to see New Moon Sunday morning.

Finally, Sunday night I settled down to check out my emails and found this great blog that had a tutorial for a pointsettia pillow. I thought it would be a perfect present for my grandmom, so I ran to the fabric store and picked up the materials. It was pretty easy and I think it looks great. Thanks Centsational Girl for the great idea!
So tonight I have to work on the magazine baskets I promised my grandmother I would get done for her. I have to have them done before the weekend because I have to get them to her before Christmas. Then I have two more bags and a bowl to get done before the big holiday.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sailing Pillows

So I finally got back on track and feeling better. Yesterday, I was temporarily sidelined by a migraine so I wasn't able to do much, but today I hit the ground running.

My husband had a project for me this time, a thank you present for someone who is into sailing. So we decided on a throw pillow. I wanted to do embroidery on the pillow but couldn't find a pattern to use. I ended up finding a stencil for painting and just drew it on the fabric. Then as I was working on that one, I realized it would also be a great Christmas present for someone. So I made two.

They have a sailboat on the front and an anchor on the back.
They were fun to make and I enjoy embroidery because it's something I can do in front of the tv. I have found it a little tougher lately because I need glasses for up close work. I am hoping to get them this week so maybe that will cut back on the headaches.

Next up, I have to finish a pocketbook for a friend and then work on two projects that were created by my foster dobie, Pepper Penny. She loves to eat my clothes and the other day she got a hold of a favorite tshirt so I am repurposing that. And yesterday she escaped from her crate and ate my hoodie that I had just created from an old Custo Barcelona shirt. It took so long to do the first time, now I have to redo. Gotta love the puppies.